Week Five

Two enormous articulated lorries are scheduled to arrive.  To avoid conflict with school arrival time—the Primary School is just across the Green and the congestion can approach city centre proportions—the artics have been asked to arrive at 9.30 am and 12.30 pm.  Looking out at 7.30 we find that there’s a large foreign lorry parked up just outside the school.  Sigh.  After  consultation, we suggest to the driver that he should park in a lay-by on the A120 until after school’s started—which he does willingly, and we lead him to it.  On his return, he finds that the 12.30 lorry has not only just arrived but backed in before him!  It takes some 2 hours to unload the “second” artic, carefully placing each package of pre-cut timbers in piles around the site, first—and then it’s the first lorry’s turn.

View from the west - basic ground floor structure

Things now really begin to happen.  By the end of the second day, all the external wall studs are in place.


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